Over two years ago, entrepreneurs Frank Bruurs (SMART HUB Logistics) and Hein van Boxtel (Van Boxtel Groep) signed the Bossche Green Deal. In this deal, the ambition was declared to make the city logistics of ‘s-Hertogenbosch more sustainable and reduce the negative impact of construction projects on the environment. Now, these gentlemen are eager to put this into action with the launch of their Bossche BouwHub.
The two companies collaborated to develop a BouwHub, a logistics hub on the outskirts of the city where various construction streams are consolidated and transported to construction projects in the city center. “The foundation has been laid,” says Frank Bruurs. “We have the space, the knowledge, the team, and the determination. Now, the machine just needs to start running.” Hein van Boxtel adds, “After expressing that ambition back then, it’s now high time for action.”
Users wanted!
So, the men are looking for parties that want to make use of the services provided by De Bossche BouwHub. Parties that, like these entrepreneurs, want to take a sustainable step forward in terms of reducing environmental impact, CO₂ emissions, and nitrogen issues in construction projects.
Taking the lead
“It would be very desirable if the government were to regulate that a certain percentage of construction projects must go through a BouwHub,” Frank says. “But unfortunately, we’re not there yet. That’s why we’re taking the lead ourselves now. We’re open to all kinds of parties involved in a construction project. Think of suppliers who no longer want to enter the city for every delivery. They can drop their products in bulk with us, and we will deliver them in smaller batches based on the construction needs at the construction site. Preferably combined with materials from other suppliers. The more streams of a construction project go through the BouwHub, the more consolidation can occur. This results in significantly fewer truck movements and less disturbance to the environment.”
“The foundation for the Bossche BouwHub has been laid. Now, we just need to get it done.”
Support in all construction phases
The BouwHub is located on the SMART HUB Logistics site, a logistics hub where various goods are transferred daily between road and water transport, among other things. The BouwHub can benefit from the existing expertise in goods storage and handling. Another advantage of this location is that expensive finishing products such as heating installations, plumbing, or tiles can be safely stored indoors. “So, we facilitate all phases of a construction process, from rough construction to fine finishing,” explains Hein. “We offer our users a comprehensive ‘menu’ from which they can choose the components they want to use. This way, we can also take back waste streams or residual products from the construction site. And what’s also convenient is that both our companies use the same TANS software. This makes it easier to integrate our IT systems.”
Infrastructure for electric vehicle charging
The two entrepreneurs see great opportunities to further expand the role of De Bossche BouwHub in the future. “We will also establish an Energy Hub here on our site,” Frank explains. “Initially for recharging batteries for inland vessels that dock at the neighboring BCTN. But in the future, this charging capacity can also be expanded for other vehicles. This way, we can use electric trucks to supply the city center in the next phase. Construction personnel can also park their cars at the hub and travel in groups to the construction site with electric vans. We really have everything in place here to take rapid sustainable steps instead of just endlessly talking about a green future.”